
Top shelf quality process equipment and piping.

At Plasticon, we produce your tailored items to the highest standards possible, yours. Our goal is to provide the highest grade products available worldwide for corrosion resistant process and storage equipments.

From pipes to ducts, from tanks to scrubbers, passing by crystallizers or separation cyclones, we have seen it all and have the track record to guarantee your company will get the most out of its investment.All our team members are certified as qualified to operate in accordance to world leading standards, allowing Plasticon to deliver products at a quality unmatched on the market.

How We Work

Indicate what kind of problems you are facing.
Plasticon China builds your custom solution on-site or offsite.
Setup & Support
We install the build with warranty training, and long-term support.

Learn more about our full service turn-key solutions and how they can solve your production needs.